


华南师范大学信息光电子科技学院/正高2019-04-22 20:00:00来源:华南师范大学评论:0收藏本文








电子邮箱: gyzhou@scnu.edu.cn


1.广州市特种光纤与光子器件重点实验室                      主任

2.广东省微结构功能光纤与器件工程技术研究中心        主任

3.广东高校特种功能光纤工程技术研究中心                  主任

4.中国光学学会纤维光学与集成光学专委会                  委员

5.中国光学学会红外与光电器件专委会                         委员


1. 国家自然科学基金重点项目“耐辐照高性能空芯微结构保偏光纤及器件研究”(61935007),2020-2024年,项目负责人;

2. 国家重点研发计划课题“宽带多维光纤放大器研究” (2019YFB2204002),2020-2022年,课题负责人;

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“镱离子掺杂微结构光纤制备新方法研究”(61377100),2014-2017年,项目负责人;

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于高温等离子法制备掺镱微结构光纤光暗化机理研究”(61575066), 2016-2019年,项目负责人;

5. 国家973课题“微结构光纤波导及器件中的超快光子学效应与光子行为调控”(2010CB327604),2010-2014年,课题负责人;

6. 国家自然科学基金重大仪器专项项目“基于全光纤飞秒激光器的微纳光子器件三维激光直写系统” (61527822), 2016-2020,合作单位负责人;

7. 广州经济技术开发区科技领军人才项目“新型特种光纤研发与产业化”[穗开科资2013213 号],2013-2018年,项目负责人; 

8. 广东省教育厅高层次人才引进专项项目“非化学气相沉积法制备掺杂大芯径光子晶体光纤”[粤教师函[2010]105 号],2010-2013年,项目负责人;

9. 广东省教育厅特种功能光纤创新团队项目(2017KCXTD009),2018-2020年,项目负责人;

10. 广东省省部产学研项目“腔镜微创手术用的带光纤CO2激光治疗仪”(2012B091100493),2012-2014年,合作单位负责人;

11. 广州市科技计划项目“镱离子掺杂微结构光纤”(7414535884708),2014-2016年,项目负责人;

12. 广东省省部产学研项目“Yb3+掺杂微结构光纤的研制”(2013B090500025),2015-2017年,项目负责人;

13. 广东省基金项目,“基于高温等离子体制备掺镱微结构光纤的研究”(2014A030313428),2015-2017年,项目负责人;

14. 国际(地区)合作与交流项目“2019年光学与光子学前沿热点论坛”,项目负责人;



1. Mingjie Cui, Zhifeng Mo, Nan Zhao, Changming Xia, Zhiyun Hou AND Guiyao Zhou, High-order orbital angular momentum generation in a helically twisted pig-nose-shaped core icrostructured optical fibers. Optics Express.2021,29(5)

2. Jialong Li, Aoyan Zhang, Guiyao Zhou, Jiantao Liu, Changming Xia, and Zhiyun Hou. A large-core microstructure optical fiber for co-transmission of signal and power.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/JLT.2021.3073468

3. Jialong Li, Boyao Li, Changming Xia, Zhiyun Hou, Guiyao Zhou. High order modes suppression and manipulation in six-holes helical chiral microstructure fiber. Optical Fiber Technology. 2021,61 (102445)

4. Yun Chen, Nan Zhao, Jiantao Liu, Jiaming Li, Dongrui Xiao, Fang Zhao, Guiyao Zhou, PerryPing Shum, AND Liyang Shao, Manufacture and up-conversion luminescence of Er/Yb co-doped silica glass microstructure optical fiber based on the laser sintering technique. Optical Materials Express,11(5) 

5. Boyao Li, Yifei Zhao, Yifan Zhang, Aoyan Zhang, Xiangzhuo Li, Jiexuan Gu, Shizhuo Xi, Guiyao Zhou, Functionalized Microstructured Optical Fibers and Devices for Sensing Applications: A Review, Journal of Lightwave Technology,2020,3043842.

6. Jiantao Liu, Nan Zhao, Yun Chen, Mengmeng Zhu, Jiaming Li, Siyuan Rong, Zhiyun Hou, GuiyaoZhou. Tm/Al Co-Doped Silica Glass Prepared by Laser Additive Manufacturing Technology for 2-µm Photonic Crystal Fiber Laser. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2020, 38(6): 1486-1491

7. Boyao Li, Guiyao Zhou, Jiantao Liu, Changmin Xia, Zhiyun Hou, Orbital-angular-momentum-amplifying helical vector modes in Yb3+-doped three-core twisted microstructure fiber, Optics Express,2020,28(14),396711

8. Yifan Mai, Boyao Li, Guiyao Zhou , Meng Wu. Research on Temperature Sensor Using Rhodamine 6G Film Coated Microstructure Optical Fiber. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2020, 20(1): 202-207

9. Meng Wu,Boyao Li,Jialong Li,Guiyao Zhou,Changming Xia, and Zhiyun Hou. Research on Fabrication and Performance of Hollow-Core Anti-Resonant Fiber Coated With Copper Film,IEEE Photonics Journal,2020,12(3):7101708

10. Yifan Zhang1, Boyao Li1, Changming Xia, Zhiyun Hou ∗, Guiyao Zhou, Orbit angular momentum supermode in chirality helical dual-core microstructure fiber, Optics Communications.2020, 475:126245

11. Boyao Li,Yifan Zhang,Guiyao Zhou,Zhiyun Hou,Changming Xia.The Surface Plasmon Resonance Polarizing Management in Helical Microstructure Fiber ,Plasmonics,2020.1

12. Boyao Li, Meng Wu, Xinyu Liu, Guiyao Zhou, Jiantao Liu, Zhiyun Hou, Changming Xia. Surface Plasmon Resonance on the V-Type Microstructured Optical Fiber Embedded with Dual Copper Wires. Plasmonics, 2019, 14: 383-387

13. Boyao Li, Meng Wu, Xinyu Liu, Guiyao Zhou, Teng Wang, Zicheng Sheng, Zhiyun Hou, Changming Xia. Design and Characterization of Bio-Chemical Sensor Based on Photonic Crystal Fiber with Fluorine-Doped Tin Oxides Film. Plasmonics, 2019,14:197–203

14. Yang Xiao, Guiyao Zhou, Wang Xian, Yun chen, Zhiyun Hou, Changming Xia, Jiantao Liu, Haixia Fan, Yi Zheng, Zhenqiang Chen. Fabrication of microlenses on ytterbium-doped double-cladding microstructured optical fibers with a CO2 laser for effective optical coupling. J Opt, 2019, 48(1):123–128

15. Peng Qiang Zhu, Juan Juan Wang, Fei Rao, Changyuan Yu, Guiyao Zhoua, Xu Guang Huang. Dierential Fresnel-reflection-based fiber biochemical sensor with temperature self-compensation for high-resolution measurement of Cd2+ concentration in solution. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 2019, 282: 644-649

16. Yun Chen, Nan Zhao, Jiantao Liu, Yang Xiao, Mengmeng Zhu, Ke Liu, Guiyao Zhou, Zhiyun Hou, Changming Xia, Yi Zheng, Zhenqiang Chen. Yb3+-doped large-mode-area photonic crystal fiber for fiber lasers prepared by laser sintering technology. Optical Materials Express, 2019, 9(3): 1356-1364

17. Nan Zhao, Kangjie Peng, Jiaming Li, Yingbo Chu, Guiyao Zhou, Jinyan Li. Photodarkening effect suppression in Ybdoped fiber through the nanoporous glass phase-separation fabrication method. Optical Materials Express, 2019, 9(3): 1085-1094

18. Boyao Li, Meng Wu, Yaoyao Liang, Ke Liu, Guiyao Zhou, Jiantao Liu, Zhiyun Hou And Changming Xia. Multi-functional double rare-earth-doped ball sensor based on a hollow-core microstructure fiber. Optics Letters, 2019, 44(9): 2350-2353

19. Yang Xiao, Yun Chen, Jiantao Liu, Yifan Mai, Ke Liu, Zhiyun Hou, Guiyao Zhou, Changming Xia. A monolithic microlens for an Ytterbium-doped microstructured optical fiber amplifier. Laser Phys, 2019(29): 035104

20. Yun Chen, Nan Zhao, Jiantao Liu, Mengmeng Zhu, Yifan Mai, Guiyao Zhou, Zhiyun Hou, Changming Xia, Yi Zheng, Zhenqiang Chen. Investigation of photo-darkening effect in ytterbium-doped microstructure optical fiber through the laser sintering fabrication method. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2019, 521: 119468

21. Yun Chen, Nan Zhao, Jiantao Liu, Mengmeng Zhu, Siyuan Rong, Guiyao Zhou, Zhiyun Hou. Characterization of optical properties and laser behavior in Yb3+/Al3+ co-doped microstructure optical fiber. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2019, 526: 119700

22.  Leben Liang, Biao Ju, Xiongquan Long, Jiantao Liu, Siyuan Ronga, Changming Xia, Yun Chen, Zhiyun Hou, Guiyao Zhou, Nan Zhao. Fabrication and optical properties of Tm3+/Al3+ co-doped photonic crystal fiber based on CO2 laser sintering technology. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2019, 522: 119590

23. Meng Wu, Xin-Yu Liu, Gui-Yao Zhou, Chang-Ming Xia, Bo-Yao Li, and Zhi-Yun Hou.Design and optimization of microstructure optical fiber sensor based on bimetal plasmon mode interaction,Chin. Phys. B, 2019,28(12): 124202

24. Boyao Li , Ran Xia, Perry Ping Shum, and Guiyao Zhou. Long-Period Gratings and Multimode Interference in Helical Single-Mode Fiber, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 2019,31(24) :1956-1959

25. Yun Chen,Jiantao Liu, Nan Zhao, Wei Zhang, Mengmeng Zhu,  Guiyao Zhou,* and Zhiyun Hou. Manufacture and spectroscopic analysis of Tm3+-doped silica glass and microstructure optical fiber through the laser sintering technique. Applied Physics Express.2019, 12, 122012

26. Meng Wu, Boyao Li, Guiyao Zhou, Zhiyun Hou, Changming Xia, "Dualchannel optical fiber sensor based on the plasmon multimode interaction," Proc. SPIE 11048, 17th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN2018), 1104840 (14 February 2019); doi:10.1117/12.2520145

27. Boyao Li, Meng Wu, Guiyao Zhou, Zhiyun Hou, Changming Xia,"Research on photonic crystal fiber polarization devices based on surfaceplasmon," Proc. SPIE 11048, 17th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN2018), 110483F (14 February 2019);doi: 10.1117/12.2518285

28. Yang Xiao,Guiyao Zhou*,Zhiyun Hou, and Changming Xia,” Fabrication of monolithic microlensesinytterbium doped microstructured optical fibers,” Proc. SPIE 11048, 17th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN2019),11048.

29. Boyao Li, Zicheng Sheng, Meng Wu, Xinyu Liu, Guiyao Zhou, Jiantao Liu, Zhiyun Hou, Changming Xia. Sensitive real-time monitoring of refractive indices and components using a microstructure optical fiber microfluidic sensor. Optics Letters, 2018, 43(20): 5070

30. Xu, M., Zhou, G., Chen, C. et al. A novel micro-structured fiber for OAM mode and LP mode simultaneous transmission. J Opt, 2018, 47(4), 428-436

31.  Sijun Liang, Zhiyun Hou, Guiyao Zhou, Jiantao Liu, Changming Xia. Broadband stimulated emission generation in Er3+/Tm3+/Ho3+ co-doped optical fiber rod. Opt. Eng., 2018, 57(5): 057106

32. Li, B., Wu, M., Liu, X. Zhou, G. et al. Design and Characterization of Bio-Chemical Sensor Based on Photonic Crystal Fiber with Fluorine-Doped Tin Oxides Film. Plasmonics, 2019, 14:197–203

33. 盛子城, 王腾, 周桂耀, 夏长明, 刘建涛, 李波瑶, 樊海霞, 陈云, 侯峙云. 基于空芯微结构光纤拉曼探针的实验研究. 物理学报,2018, 67(18): 184211

34. Jian Fu, Guiyao Zhou, Zhiyun Hou, Hongchun Tian, Changming Xia, Wei Zhang, Jiantao Liu, Jiale Wu, Jingde Zhao, Xuelong Cang. Experiment research on optical properties of all microstructure optical fiber laser. Optics & Laser Technology, 2017,91: 22-26

35. Wei Zhang, Jiantao Liu, Guiyao Zhou, Changming Xia, Sijun Liang, Yun Chen, and Zhiyun Hou. Optical properties of the Yb/Er co-doped silica glass prepared by laser sintering technology. Opt. Mater. Express, 2017,7(5): 1708-1715

36. Wei Zhang Jiantao Liu, Guiyao Zhou, Changming Xia, Jiale Wu, Yun Chen, Xuelong Cang, Zhiyun Hou. Analysis on the optical properties for the ytterbium doped silica glasses prepared by laser sintering technology. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2017, 49:27

37. Mingqin Li, Lu Peng, Guiyao Zhou, Boyao Li, Zhiyun Hou, Changming Xia. Design of Photonic Crystal Fiber Filter With Narrow Width and Single-Polarization Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance. IEEE Photonics Journal, 2017,9(3): 5700108

38. Jian Fu, Zhiyun Hou, Guiyao Zhou, Jingde Zhao, Wei Zhang, Changming Xia, Xuelong Cang, Jiantao Liu. Experimental study on all Yb-doped photonic crystal fiber laser. SPIE, 2017,100832H

39. Boyao Li, Mingqin Li, Lu Peng, Guiyao Zhou, Zhiyun Hou, Changming Xia. Research on Dual-Wavelength Single Polarizing Filter Based on Photonic Crystal Fiber. IEEE Photonics Journal, 2017,9(4): 5700209

40. Jinhui Yuan, Zhe Kang, Feng Li, Guiyao Zhou, Xianting Zhang, Chao Mei, Xinzhu Sang, Qiang Wu, Binbin Yan, Xian Zhou, Kangping Zhong, Kuiru Wang, Chongxiu Yu, Chao Lu, Hwa Yaw Tam, P. K. A. Wai. Deep-ultraviolet secondharmonic generation by combined degenerate four-wave mixing and surface nonlinearity polarization in photonic crystal fiber. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1): 9224

41. Ge, S., Shi, F., Zhou, G., Liu, S., Hou, Z., & Peng, L. U-Shaped Photonic Crystal Fiber Based Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensors.Plasmonics, 2016,5(5):1-6

42. Tian, H., Zhang, S., Hou, Z., Xia, C., Zhou, G., Zhang, W., Fu, J. Studies on output characteristics of stable dual-wavelength ytterbium-doped photonic crystal fiber laser. Laser Physics, 2016, 26(6): 065101

43. Zhang, W., Wu, J., Zhou, G., Xia, C., Liu, J., Tian, H., Hou, Z. Yb-doped silica glass and photonic crystal fiber based on laser sintering technology. Laser Physics, 2016,26(3): 035801.

44. Xia, C., Liu, J., Zhang, W., Liang, W., Han, Y., Yuan, J.,  Zhou, G. Yb3+/Tm3+/Ho3+ Tri-doped silica-based glass: intense up-conversion and broad near-infrared emission. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2016, 48(4), 1-11

45. Gai Zhou, Guiyao Zhou, Cheng Chen, MinNan Xu, Changming Xia, and Zhiyun Hou. Design and Analysis of a Microstructure Ring Fiber for Orbital Angular Momentum Transmission. IEEE Photonics Journal, 2016,8(2): 7802512

46. Hongchun Tian, Zhiyun Hou, Sa Zhang, Guiyao Zhou, Changming Xia, Wei Zhang, Jiale Wu, Hongzhan liu and Yan Zheng. Research on Ytterbium-doped photonic crystal fiber amplifer for the femtosecond fiber laser, Laser Physics, 2016, 26(1): 015103

47. 梁婉婷, 候峙云, 周桂耀, 夏长明, 张卫, 韦乐峰, 刘建涛. 基于溶胶-凝胶和激光熔融法制备掺镱石英玻璃. 物理学报, 2016, 65 (17): 178107-178107

48. Cheng Chen, Guiyao Zhou, Gai Zhou, Minnan Xu, ZhiyunHou, Changming Xia, Jinhui Yuan. A multi-orbital-angular-momentum multi-ring micro-structured fiber with ultra-high-density and low-level cross talk. Optics Communications, 2016, 368: 27–33

49. Jinhui Yuan, Guiyao Zhou, Changming Xia, Xinzhu Sang, Feng Li, Chongxiu Yu, Kuiru Wang, Binbin Yan, Hwa Yaw Tam, and P. K. A. Wai. Degenerate Four-Wave Mixing-Based Light Source for CARS Microspectroscopy. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2016, 28(7): 763-766

50. Lu Peng, Guiyao Zhou, Mingqin Li, Zhiyun Hou, Changming Xia, Shu Ge. Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor Based on Microstructured Optical Fiber With Ring-Core Configuration. IEEE Photonics Journal, 2016, 8(5): 4803111

51. 夏长明, 田洪春, 侯峙云, 刘建涛, 张飒, 张卫,周桂耀.基于掺杂粉末直拉棒工艺掺镱光子晶体光纤激光特性. 中国激光, 2016,43(2): 131-137.

52. Fukun Shi, Guiyao Zhou, Duanming Li, Lu Peng, Zhiyun Hou, Changming Xia. Surface Plasmon Mode Coupling in Photonic Crystal Fiber Symmetrically Filled with Ag/Au Alloy Wires. Plasmonics, 2015, 10(2): 335-340

53. Changming Xia, Guiyao Zhou, Jiantao Liu, Chao Wang, Ying Han & Jinhui Yuan. Optical properties of Yb3+/Ho3+ co-doped air cladding silica-based fiber fabricated with plasma non-chemical vapor deposition method. Appl. Phys. A, 2015, 118(2): 525-530

54. 陈其杰,周桂耀,石富坤,李端明,苑金辉,夏长明,葛姝. 微结构光纤近红外色散波产生的研究. 物理学报, 2015, 64(3): 034215

55. Cheng Chen, Guiyao Zhou, Yan Chen, Zhiyun Hou, ChangmingXia, JinhuiYuan, WeiZhang. Suppression of the fundamental mode in a dual-mode photonic crystal fiber. Optics Communications, 2015, 336: 235–239

56. Jiale Wu, Wei Zhang, Guiyao Zhou, Changming Xia, Jiantao Liu, Yan Zheng, Hongchun Tian and Zhiyun Hou. Design and fabrication of Ytterbium- doped photonic crystal fiber with low non-linearity. Laser Phys.2015, 25(5): 055105

57. Changming Xia, Guiyao Zhou, Wei Zhang, Jiantao Liu, Ying Han, Jinhui Yuan. Influence of Yb2+ ions on the optical properties of Yb3+/Ho3+ co-doped silica glass synthesized by non-chemical vapor deposition method. Appl. Phys. A .2015,421: 20-23

58. Fukun Shi, Lu Peng, Guiyao Zhou, Xuelong Cang, Zhiyun Hou, Changming Xia. An Elliptical Core D-Shaped Photonic Crystal Fiber-Based Plasmonic Sensor at Upper Detection Limit. Plasmonics, 2015, 10:1263–1268

59. Lu Peng, Fukun Shi, Guiyao Zhou, Shu Ge, Zhiyun Hou,and Changming Xia. A Surface Plasmon Biosensor Based on a D-Shaped Microstructured Optical Fiber With Rectangular Lattice,IEEE Photonics Journal,2015, 7(5): 4801309

60. 徐闵喃, 周桂耀, 陈成, 侯峙云, 夏长明, 周概, 张卫.具有四模式的低串扰及大群时延多芯微结构光纤的设计物理学报, 2015,64(23): 234206-234206.

61. Xia, Changming,Zhou, Guiyao,Liu, Jiantao,Zhang, Wei,Han, Ying,Yuan, Jinhui,Optical and laser properties of Tm3+-doped air-cladding fiber fabricated by plasma non-chemical vapor deposition,Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics,2015,121(((1))):25-30。

62.  Xia, Changming,Zhou, Guiyao,Liu, Jiantao,Zhang, Wei,Han, Ying,Yuan, Jinhui,Blue and near-infrared up-conversion in double-air-cladding Tm3+-doped silica fiber under 1064 nm excitation,Optical and Quantum Electronics,2015,47(((11))):3435-3444。

63. Xia, Changming,Zhou, Guiyao,Liu, Jiantao,Wang, Chao,Han, Ying,Zhang, Wei,Yuan, Jinhui,Fabrication and laser performance of Yb3+/Al3+ co-doped photonic crystal fiber synthesized by plasma nonchemical vapor deposition method,Optical Fiber Technology,2015,25:20-24

64. Xia, Changming,Zhou, Guiyao,Zhang, Wei,Liu, Jiantao,Han, Ying,Yuan, Jinhui,Influence of Yb2+ ions on the optical properties of Yb3+/Ho3+ co-doped silica glass synthesized by non-chemical vapor deposition method,Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids,2015,421:20-23。

65. Xia, Changming,Zhou, Guiyao,Zhang, Wei,Han, Ying,Wang, Chao,Yuan, Jinhui,Optical properties of Tm3+-doped photonic crystal fiber fabricated by non-chemical vapor deposition method,Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications,2015,9((5)):619-622.

66.  Xia, ChangmingZhou, GuiyaoLiu, JiantaoWang, ChaoHan, YingYuan, JinhuiOptical properties of Yb3+/Ho3+ co-doped air cladding silica-based fiber fabricated with plasma non-chemical vapor deposition methodApplied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing2015118((2))525-530.

67. Jinhui Yuan, Guiyao Zhou, Hongzhan Liu, Changming Xia, Xinzhu Sang, Chongxiu Yu, Kuiru Wang, Binbin Yan, Ying Han and Lantian Hou. High peak power continuum generation by high-order solitons at the mid-infrared wavelength in a photonic crystal fiber. Laser Phys. 2015, 25: 045401

68. Jinhui Yuan, Xinzhu Sang, Guiyao Zhou*, Hongzhan Liu, Changming Xia, Qiang Wu, Chongxiu Yu, Kuiru Wang, Binbin Yan, Ying Han, Gerald Farrell, Lantian Hou, Blue-shifted dispersive wave generation by the diffraction-arrested solitons for coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy in a photonic crystal fiber, Optics Communications, 2014,320, (73).

69. Chao Wang, Guiyao Zhou, Changming Xia, Ying Han, Xingtao Zhao, Wei Zhang, and Wei Wang. Influence of the melting atmosphere on Yb3+/Al3+ co-doped silica glass with powder melting technology[J]. Optical Fiber Technology, 2014, 20(2): 106-109

70. Li Duan-ming, Zhou Gui-Yao, Xia Chang-Ming, Wang Chao, and Yuan Jin-Hui,Design on a highly birefringent and nonlinear photonic crystal fiber in the C waveband, Chin.Phys.B, 2014, 23(4): 044209

71. Bo Li,Guiyao Zhou,Changming Xia,Hongzhan Liu,ZhiyunHou. Analysis of supermode and structural characteristics of octagonal multicore photonic crystal fiber with large effective mode area and low confinement loss. Optical Engineering, 2014,53(5): 056114

72. Zhao Yuan-Yuan, Zhou Gui-Yao, Li Jian-She, Zhang Zhi-Yuan, Han Ying. Experimental study on the Stokes effect in disordered birefringent microstructure fibers. Chin. Phys. B,2014,23(8): 084208

73. 刘建涛,周桂耀,夏长明. 基于粉末烧结技术制备镱铝共掺大模场光子晶体光纤, 光子学报, 2013, 42(5): 552-554

74. 田云云, 周桂耀, 张卫, 夏长明, 王超, 曹蕾, 陈艳, 刘建涛. Yb3+掺杂微结构光纤研制及对飞秒激光的放大实验, 光学学报, 2014, 34(9): s106010

75. 曹蕾,侯峙云,周桂耀,夏长明,陈艳,田云云.用于激光能量传输的大纤芯微结构光纤的设计及制备[J].光电子激光,2014,(5): 887~890

76. 陈艳, 周桂耀, 夏长明, 侯峙云, 刘宏展, 王超, 具有双模特性的大模场面积微结构光纤的设计, 物理学报,2014,  63(1): 014701

77. Chao Wang, Guiyao Zhou, Hongzhan Liu, Ying Han,Wei Wang,Lantian Hou. Properties of Non-Bridging Oxygen Hole Centers Defects in Yb3+/Al3+ Co-Doped Photonic Crystal Fiber by Using Powder Melting Technology. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2013, 31(17): 2864-2868

78. Yuan jinhui,Zhou Guiyao,et al. Anti-Stokes signal conversion of femtosecond pulses at near-ultraviolet wavelength in photonic crystal fibre, Electronics Letters.2013,49: 1348-1350.

79. Yuan jinhui, Zhou Guiyao,et al. Coherent antistokes raman scattering microscopy by dispersive wave generations in a polarization maintaining photonic crystal fiber, Progress in Electromagnetics Research. 2013, 141: 659-670.

80. Xia  changming Zhou Guiyao,et al. Investigation on preparation and spectroscopic roperties of Yb2+doped silica-based glass prepared by the oxyhydrogen flame fusing process, Optical materials.2013, 35: 2561-2564.

81. Chao Wang, Guiyao Zhou, Ying Han, Wei Wang, Changming Xia, Lantian Hou. Spectral evolution of NIR luminescence in a Yb3+-doped photonic crystal fiber prepared by non-chemical vapor deposition. Chinese Optics Letters, 2013, 11(6):061601

82. Changming Xia, Guiyao Zhou, Ying Han , Xingtao Zhao, Lantian Hou. Luminescence of Yb2+/Yb3+co-doped silica glass for white light source. Optical Materials.2012,34:769-771

83. Chao Wang, Guiyao Zhou, Wei Zhang, Changming Xia, Yuanyuan Zhao. Optical properties of Yb3+-doped photonic crystal fiber with powder melting technology. Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, 2013,12.

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1. 发明名称: 一种制备稀土掺杂微结构光纤的方法[ZL201110187186.2].中国.

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3. 发明名称: 介质反射膜光子带隙红外光纤[ZL201310008986.2] .中国.

4. 发明名称: 传输二氧化碳激光能量的光纤耦合器[ZL201210591162.8].中国.

5. 发明名称:采用激光熔炼技术制备稀土掺杂石英玻璃微结构光纤的方法[ZL201410617663.8].中国.

6. 发明专利:一种光纤用掺杂涂覆层材料及其制备方法[201710714180.3].中国.

7. 发明专利:一种基于空芯反谐振光纤的SERS探针及其制备方法[201810877740.1].中国.

8. 发明专利:一种空芯微结构光纤的温度传感器及其制备方法[ZL201910458548.3]

9. 发明名称: 激光针灸仪[ZL 201310006136.9].中国.

10. 发明专利:一种带自动送料收料装置的绣花机[201510742108.2].中国.

11. 发明专利:一种基于带隙微结构光纤的柔性定点光疗系统[201811488773.3].中国.

12. 发明专利:一种用于产生561nm波长的光纤激光器[201811489997.6].中国.

13. 发明专利:一种基于掺Yb2+光纤的可见光光纤激光器[201811490001.3].中国.

14. 实用新型专利:一种基于带隙微结构光纤的柔性定点光疗系统[2018201822043962.1].中国.

15. 实用新型专利:一种基于空芯反谐振光纤的SERS探针[201821248116.7].中国.

16. 实用新型专利:一种CO2激光合束聚焦系统[201520160657.4].中国.

17. 实用新型专利:光纤激光聚焦器[201320012635.4].中国.

18. 实用新型专利:一种圆形调节器及使用它的绣花机[201721673462.5].中国.

19. 实用新型专利:一种聚焦刀头可自动升降的绣花机[201520873805.7].中国.

20. 实用新型专利:一种气动式光纤聚焦刀头自动升降装置[201520873862.5].中国.

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22. 实用新型专利:一种激光光纤绣花机[201721671921.6].中国.

23. 实用新型专利:一种具有双球微结构的掺镱传感光纤[ZL201920176055.6].中国.

24. 实用新型专利:一种高损伤阈值偏振滤波器[ZL201920365606.3].中国.

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29. 实用新型专利:一种利于均匀泵浦的弱耦合多芯有源光纤[ZL202121819962.1].

30. 实用新型专利:一种集成式反谐振空芯微结构光纤[ZL202120058009.5].

31. 实用新型专利:一种螺旋多芯掺镱微结构光纤传感器[2020227913692].

32. 外观设计专利:光子晶体光纤激光器[201730019844.5].

33. 计算机软件著作权:激光器远程监控系统(简称:远程控制系统v0.5.1)








