华南师范大学信息光电子科技学院/中级及其他2024-03-04 16:13:00来源:华南师范大学评论:0收藏本文
主要从事光功能材料、可穿戴柔性光感知器件领域的研究,在荧光碳基材料的能带结构调控发光机理研究,以及柔性可穿戴集成器件的开发等方面开展了一系列创新性的研究工作。至今在Advanced Materials,Nature Photonics, Advanced Functional Materials,Advanced Energy Materials,Journal of Materials Chemistry A 等重要国际学术刊物发表论文。荣获得“2020 年中国光学十大进展—应用研究类”。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项、广东省自然科学基金1项、广州市科技计划项目1项。
2023.01-至今 华南师范大学未来科技研究院 副研究员
2018.09-2023.11 博士 香港理工大学(导师:郑子剑教授)
2015.09-2018.07 硕士 华南理工大学 材料科学与工程学院(导师:董国平教授)
2011.09-2015.07 学士 华南理工大学 材料科学与工程学院
1. Guo, Q.; Wang, C.; Shang, J.; Yang, Y.; Xie, C.; Luo, Y.; Rong, M.; Pei, Y.; Gao, Y.; Zheng, Z., A Freestanding, Dissolution‐ and Diffusion‐Limiting, Flexible Sulfur Electrode Enables High Specific Capacity at High Mass Loading. Advanced Materials 2024, 36 (25), 2400041.
2. Huang, X.; Guo, Q.; Yang, D.; Xiao, X.; Liu, X.; Xia, Z.; Fan, F.; Qiu, J.; Dong, G., Reversible 3D laser printing of perovskite quantum dots inside a transparent medium. Nature Photonics 2019, 14 (2), 82-88.
3. Fang, J.; Zheng, H.; Yang, A.; Liu, H.; He, Y.; Zhou, H.; Liu, L.; Song, E.; Guo, Q.; Gan, J.; Yang, Z., Pressure Visualization and Quantification Photonic Skin Based on Flexible Optical Fiber Combiner. Advanced Functional Materials 2024, 34 (48), 2408800.
4. Gan, J.; Yang, A.; Guo, Q.; Yang, Z., Flexible Optical Fiber Sensing: Materials, Methodologies, and Applications. Advanced Devices & Instrumentation 2024, 5:0046,
5. Guo, Q.; Wei, M.; Zheng, Z.; Huang, X.; Song, X.; Qiu, S. B.; Yang, X. b.; Liu, X.; Qiu, J.; Dong, G., Full‐Color Chemically Modulated g‐C3N4 for White‐Light‐Emitting Device. Advanced Optical Materials 2019, 7 (21), 1900775.
6. Guo, Q.; Zheng, Z., Rational Design of Binders for Stable Li‐S and Na‐S Batteries. Advanced Functional Materials 2019, 30 (6), 1907931.
7. Guo, Q.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, H. S.; Liu, Y.; Zhao, Y. J.; Qiu, J.; Dong, G., 3D Foam Strutted Graphene Carbon Nitride with Highly Stable Optoelectronic Properties. Advanced Functional Materials 2017, 27 (42), 1703711.
8. Guo, Q.; Zhang, Y.; Qiu, J.; Dong, G., Engineering the electronic structure and optical properties of g-C3N4 by non-metal ion doping. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2016, 4 (28), 6839-6847.
9. Luo, Y.; Gao, Y.; Guo, Q.; Zheng, Z., Interfacial design of thick sulfur cathodes to achieve high energy density and stability. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2021, 9 (32), 17129-17142.(共同一作)
10. Gao, Y.; Guo, Q.; Zhang, Q.; Cui, Y.; Zheng, Z., Fibrous Materials for Flexible Li–S Battery. Advanced Energy Materials 2020, 11 (15), 2002580(共同一作)
2024至2026 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金 主持
2024至2026 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金自然科学基金面上项目 主持
2024至2026 基础与应用基础研究专题(青年博士“启航”方向) 主持